Blog #5

Image result for snow white

The Disney interpretation of Snow White is a more “child friendly” version of the more gruesome, original tale by the Grimm Brothers. The key aspects and principles of the tale were left unchanged but many of the smaller details were altered.

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Similarities between the Grimm Fairytale and the Disney movie include Snow White’s mother dying, absence of her father, the evil queen plotting to kill her, Snow White staying with the seven dwarves, and the queen poisoning her. In both versions, Snow Whites mother died in the very beginning of the story, and her father, the king, instantly remarried to the evil queen. He is not mentioned again for the rest of both stories. The evil queen tells the huntsman to take Snow White into the woods and kill her because of her jealousy, the huntsman sets her free and she stumbles across the cottage of the seven dwarves who allow her to take shelter with them. The queen discovers she is still alive and attempts to kill Snow White with a poisoned apple, her eating the white half and Snow White eating the red half.

The differences can first be shown in the beginning of the movie where Snow White was forced to be a chambermaid, while in the book this was not the case. Once Snow White was of age, she sent the huntsman off to kill her in the woods and told him to bring back her lungs and liver, and ate them. In the movie the evil queen told the huntsman to bring back Snow Whites heart. In the Grimm version, once Snow White meets the dwarves, she makes an agreement with them to cook, clean, and sew in exchange for a place to stay. The evil queen makes three attempts to end Snow Whites life with a comb, a corset, and an apple. In the movie, when Snow White meets the dwarves, they get excited when they find out they get to help the princess and she offers her services as thanks. The evil queen only makes one attempt to kill her with a poisoned apple.

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